Sunday 15 September 2013

Recipe - Smoothie Sunday!

I am loving a breakfast smoothie these days - what better way to get a quick and easy boost of nutrients and fibre that will give you the get-up-and-go that you need on these darker mornings? And as if you needed another reason, nutritionists say that if you keep everything else equal but incorporate veggies into every meal you will lose weight! Why? Because veggies are calorie light but take effort from your digestive system to break down so you will feel fuller for longer whilst effortlessly burning fat! Score! AND might I say that whilst my loved ones are sniffling with the seasonal transition colds & chest infections, I am feeling rather full of health & vitality (and hence rather smug)! Are smoothies the key? Who knows! But it certainly doesn't hurt to supercharge your day with vitamins, minerals and powerhouse antioxidants!

So here are a couple of smoothie recipes to get you started. Experiment and mix in different fruits and veg that you enjoy. Never let veg go bad in your fridge-there's no excuse when you can throw it into your smoothie!

You can substitute the coconut water with unsweetened almond milk or plain water if you prefer. Spinach and kale are neutral tasting greens so they are good to start off with but you can swap them up for any green leafy vegetables. If you need a sweeter taste you can add a little trivia or stevia for a natural no calorie sweetness. You can also add a scoop of protein powder or some 0% fat Greek yogurt if you feel so inclined!

250ml coconut water
Good handful frozen mixed berries
1 banana
Handful spinach
Handful kale
1/3 cucumber

250ml coconut water
1 green apple
1 pear
1 banana
Good handful spinach & kale (or any greens)

Whizz in the blender and enjoy! Your skin with be clear and glowing, your hair shiny and lustrous and you will feel a great overall sense of well being!

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